Musings on Diversity and Other Points of Humanity

We are the world’s soul — each of us individually, but more significantly — all of us integrated. Each of us has a responsibility, indeed an obligation, to purposefully pursue that connection with the essential spirit that resides in the core of this Universe. It is our job to facilitate the outward expansion of this core.

An Education Revolution: Sir Kenneth Robinson

Across the globe today, nearly every educational system is being re-evaluated. Attempts to implement reform within these existing models are likely headed for failure. In a recent TED video talk, Sir Kenneth Robinson explains why reform alone is not enough, stating that it is simply an attempt to improve a broken model. Robinson firmly believes that a revolution — not an evolution — is needed in education.

Performance Anxiety: Understanding the Root of the Problem – Part Two | richard s. grossman

In my previous post, Performance Anxiety: Understanding the Root of the Problem – Part One, I shared my perspective on the root cause of the problem and introduced the concepts of the “Voice Inside Your Head” (VIYH) as the problem and becoming the dispassionate observer or witness as the solution (read Part One to get up to speed). In Part Two, I will share some specific things you can do, techniques, if you will, to help you achieve a quiet mind and overcome performance anxiety. Here we go…

Living Life in the Present: Gaining Inspiration from the Little Things | richard s. grossman

We all have these inspirational sources in our lives. They need not be celebrities. They only need our focused attention. They are our friends, family members, coworkers, pets, flowers, plants, trees, rivers, lakes, oceans, mountains and sky. They ebb and flow, rise and shine, move and groove or remain perfectly motionless so we can contemplate their beauty and pure essence.

Five Ways to Calm Your Mind

Today I’d like to share 5 ways to calm your mind that have proven successful for me and many others. I find it beneficial to vary my routine to prevent getting bored, which can lead to lack of motivation. The key is to create time and space for these activities, however it may best integrate into your daily life.